status. any stable position within a social system associated with specific expectations, rights and duties. 'Status’ in this sense is equivalent to ROLE, although it is the latter term which has the wider currency.; the positive or negative honour, prestige, power, etc., attaching to a position, or an individual person, within a system of SOCIAL STRATIFICATION (often referred to as social


lacunar state: the presence of lacunes in the brain. One of the major factors underlying cerebrovascular disease; high correlation with hypertension and atherosclerosis. Symptomatic forms include pure motor hemiplegia and pure hemisensory syndrome; multiple lacunar infarcts are the most common cause of pseudobulbar palsy.

This schematic is used for making the clinical diagnosis of infectious endocarditis (IE).. 2 Background. A definitive diagnosis can only be made through a histological verifaction of the presence of pathogens in heart valve vegetation or embolisations. 1997-09-12 Status lacunaris is char-acterized by small irregularly shaped infarcts due to occlusion of small vessels; it is the pathological sub-strate of lacunar strokes and vascular cognitive impairment and dementia. In status cribrosus small round cavities develop around affected arteries due to Synonyms: Status lacunaris; Status lacunosus: SNOMED CT: Etat lacunaire (66984008); Status lacunaris (66984008); Status lacunosus (66984008) status lacunaris synonyms, antonyms, English dictionary, English language, definition, see also 'statuesque',stature',statute',state', Reverso dictionary, English lacunar state: the presence of lacunes in the brain. One of the major factors underlying cerebrovascular disease; high correlation with hypertension and atherosclerosis. Symptomatic forms include pure motor hemiplegia and pure hemisensory syndrome; multiple lacunar infarcts are the most common cause of pseudobulbar palsy.

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Dívka, 18 let, navštívila lékaře s nepravidelnými, ale častými bolestmi hlavy, které u ní trvaly asi 1 rok. Po vyšetření na CT lékař popisuje netypický nález vzhledem k věku pacientky na Status lacunaris (tzn. přítomnost četných dutinek v mozkové… Each person working in the medical industry sometimes needs to know how to define a word from medical terminology. For example - how to explain status lacunaris?

Quantitative result of the severity of atrophy located in the status cribrosus or lacunaris, or both. Notes: Creation Date: 2014-04-01 21:17:20.312 Historical Notes: Striatum atrophy, status cribrosus or lacunaris severity result References: HD: No references available Basic Attributes Data Type:

Status marmoratus is a congenital condition due to maldevelopment of the corpus striatum associated with choreoathetosis, in which the striate nuclei have a marble-like appearance caused by altered myelination in the putamen, caudate, and thalamus (there are bilateral hyperdensities restricted to the thalamus). 1,5 cm), vereinzelt oder multipel (Status lacunaris) Meist im Bereich von Stammganglien, Thalamus und Hirnstamm lokalisiert; Ätiologie: Meist arteriosklerotische Veränderungen kleiner Arterien (Mikroangiopathie) Symptome/Klinik Allgemeine Überlegungen.

Status lacunaris doccheck

Status lacunaris by šlo teoreticky do češtiny přeložit jako „dutinkový stav“ (lacuna = dutinka), ale běžně se držíme latinského termínu.Principem je výskyt mnohočetných drobných dutinek v hlubokých strukturách mozku, které vznikají v důsledku drobných lakunárních infarktů.

Status lacunaris doccheck

Orvosi vélemény: néhány apró lacunaris infarctus a törzsdúcok területén. Thank you for your participation in DocCheck bMail! The corresponding amount has been credited to your DocCheck Reward Account.. You can find the current status of your DocCheck Reward Account here. Quantitative result of the severity of atrophy located in the status cribrosus or lacunaris, or both. Notes: Creation Date: 2014-04-01 21:17:20.312 Tortuous arterioles in the basal ganglia were present both in control group and status lacunaris cases. However, statistical Student s t-test analysis revealed a significant increment in the number of microfields containing tortuous terminal arterioles in the status lacunaris group (mean 7.50±4.62) versus the control group (mean 2.92±1.38) (p= 0.001).

Status lacunaris doccheck

More infos: Our findings suggest than an increased number of tortuous terminal arterioles is associated with status lacunaris. Six characteristic patterns of the tortuous profiles as well as their combinations were identified. Key words: Arteriole, basal ganglia, lacunar disease, status lacunaris, tortuous blood vessels. Tortuous arterioles in the basal ganglia were present both in control group and status lacunaris cases. However, statistical Student's t-test analysis revealed a significant increment in the number of microfields containing tortuous terminal arterioles in the status lacunaris group (mean 7.50 +/- 4.62) versus the control group (mean 2.92 +/- 1.38) (p = 0.001). Alterations with aging and ischemia in nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunits α 4 and β 2 messenger RNA expression in postmortem human putamen. Implications for susceptibility to parkinsonism In a group of 93 patients with status lacunaris cerebri, the authors evaluated the presence and morphology of three main manifestations of status lacunaris: cerebral atrophy (periventricular and cortical), subcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy and the position of cerebral lacunae.
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Status lacunaris doccheck

posebni ili osobni položaj koji je reguliran zakonima, propisima ili običajima [status birača; status državljanina; status manjine] 2. razg. visok položaj u društvu [imati status u društvu] 3. stanje stvari; situacija… Angina lacunaris - diagnóza, příznaky, léčba Na této stránce naleznete veškeré informace o nemoci Angina lacunaris. Popis nemoci, diagnózu, příznaky nemoci a zkušenosti lidí s nemocí Angina lacunaris.

Zur dermalen Applikation wird ein Wirkstoff mit geeigneten Trägerstoffen gemischt. Als Trägerstoffe eignen sich Fette (Vaseline, Wollfett, Öle), Flüssigkeiten (Wasser, Alkohol) und Feststoffe (Puder, Zinkoxid, Titandioxid), aus denen unterschiedliche Zubereitungen hergestellt werden. Differentialdiagnostisch davon zu unterscheiden ist der „Status lacunaris“.
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Orvosi vélemény: néhány apró lacunaris infarctus a törzsdúcok területén. Parent taxon: Halanaerobacter corrig. Liaw and Mah 1996. Assigned by: Rainey FA, Zhilina TN, Boulygina ES, Stackebrandt E, Tourova TP, Zavarzin GA. The taxonomic status of the fermentative halophilic anaerobic bacteria: description of Haloanaerobiales ord. nov., Halobacteroidaceae fam.